Macie Quarles, LCSWC

Macie Quarles is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW-C) in the states of Maryland and Delaware.

My Passion:

Hello! I'm Macie and I'm passionate about creating an open environment for people to explore, understand, and communicate about their thoughts, feelings, wants and needs. I believe that as you are able to learn your authentic self, you become able to embrace true identity, transform boundaries, and connect to yourself and others more fully.

I work with individuals experiencing Depression and Anxiety Related Disorders. I enjoy helping others understand how thoughts, environment (familial, cultural, societal), and behavior patterns impact daily life, self concept, connection, and achievement.

How my passion developed:

I've always been a curious and caring person. I'm also an advocate and direct communicator. As a young person, navigating high school up to starting a professional career, my curiosity was often met with criticism, judgement, and/or mislabeling of my actions and intentions. I experienced these miscommunications as confusing and disheartening.

As a result, I began to reflect on my communication skills, attention to detail, true identity, and core values. Reflecting helped me to understand that my identity and perspective were often different than those I encountered. That speaking truth to power (perceived or actual) causes defensiveness; that I'm not the summation of another's opinion of me. Reflecting helped me to use my voice with confidence; knowing that what motivates me is based in truth and integrity.

How I live out my passion as a therapist:

As humans, we may receive messaging that encourages self denial (of feelings, passions, needs, etc). I find joy in supporting others to break patterns that do no serve them. From new experiences, we can achieve growth. Together, we'll explore how to move toward self acceptance and self love. Working to help you identify your choices and stand in your power.

The path of self discovery, though scary, is worth the effort. As one grows to be honest with the self, you are more able to move through adversity with self compassion and a peaceful mind. We'll get honest, laugh, get educated, and work to shift patterns so that daily life begins to reflect your goals and best interests.

How I help others:

I want to understand what drives you: What's your story? How does your story impact how you see yourself? How you're able to achieve your goals?

In your intake appointment, we'll reflect on your history (childhood, health, successes, challenges, etc.) and identify goals for treatment. In session, we'll reflect on your daily life: stresses, joys, setbacks, and opportunities for growth. We'll work to discover and address barriers (physical, emotional, relational, etc.) to achieving your goals. I'll provide psycho education, tools, and skills practice related to your symptoms and concerns. You'll practice skills between sessions. Together, we'll experiment and explore how interventions impact your perspective and improve coping.

As humans, we often learn to conform to the status quo; seeking acceptance. I want to help you embrace your unique qualities. Embracing authenticities as a means of self care and self empowerment.

License Information:

Delaware: Q1-0011884

Maryland: 21065